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0,10 €
Bow Blacksmiths to produce 2 Gold, plus 1 Gold for every Iron Mine in play. Bow Blacksmiths to produce 4 Gold when paying for a Weapon or Armor.
0,50 €
Unicorn Clan Samurai. Cavalry. Experienced. Unique Reaction: Cancel a Ranged Attack that is targeting Tsuburo. Tsuburo may perform this action while bowed.
0,10 €
Nonhuman. Shadowlands The Goblin Warmonger may not be killed so long as he has any Goblin Followers in his unit. If the Goblin Warmonger is destroyed with Goblin Followers in his unit, destroy all of the cards in the unit except Goblin Warmonger, who becomes bowed.
0,30 €
Scorpion Clan Manipulator. Experienced. Unique. Reaction: Bow Taberu when another player is gaining Honor. You gain the honor instead. Taberu cannot take this action if the Honor gain is the result of a battle or duel, or if the player has less than his or her starting Honor.
0,20 €
Dragon Clan Samurai. Toturi's Army Followers in this unit are immune to Fear.
1,50 €
Crab Clan Hero. Samurai. Unique No Items. Battle: Bow Yakamo to destroy any one Item card in opposing army.
3,00 €
Crab Clan Champion. Samurai. Unique. Double Chi Will only join Crab Clan Player. Cards in Kisada's Unit cannot be the target of and are immune to the effects of Shugenja Spells and Innate Abilities. (Errata: Minimum Honor is 6, not 10. Gold cost is 16, not 14. Now only immune to targetting by spells and innate abilities. No longer unaffected by...
5,00 €
Weapon. Unique Gain 4 Honor. When controlled by a Crab Clan Personality, Sword gains a 1F/1C bonus for every Crab Clan personality you control. Any other Crab Clan players lose 6 Honor when this item is brought into play.
0,30 €
Elemental Fire Battle: Bow this Shugenja: Produce two consecutive Ranged Attacks with strengths equal to the caster's Chi. Elemental Fire Battle: Bow this Shugenja: Produce a Ranged Attack with strength equal to twice the caster's Chi.