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Moto Hideyo
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Moto Hideyo

0,10 €
Unicorn Clan Moto Warrior. Cavalry Limited: Bow Hideyo to attach a Follower to him from your hand. Lower the Follower's Gold Cost by Hideyo's Force. Hideyo cannot straighten until your next turn begins.
Moto Chagatai  - Unicorn Clan Samurai. Cavalry. Soul of Moto Soro Chagatai is not destroyed for having 0 Chi unless his Chi is 0
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Moto Chagatai

0,10 €
Unicorn Clan Samurai. Cavalry. Soul of Moto Soro Chagatai is not destroyed for having 0 Chi unless his Chi is 0 after all penalties that last until your turn ends wear off.
Tsuburu no Oni
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Tsuburu no Oni

1,00 €
Oni · Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Cavalry. Lose 5 Honor. Destroy one of your Personalities as an additional cost of bringing Tsuburu into play. Can not attach Followers or Armor. After a battle’s Combat Segment ends, if Tsuburu is at its battlefield and there are no defending units there: Give Tsuburu +6F.
Ogre Bushi
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Ogre Bushi

0,30 €
Nonhuman. Shadowlands Cannot attach Armor or Followers.
Goblin Wizard
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Goblin Wizard

0,10 €
Goblin Shugenja · Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Lose 4 Honor.
Goblin Warmonger
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Goblin Warmonger

0,10 €
Nonhuman. Shadowlands The Goblin Warmonger may not be killed so long as he has any Goblin Followers in his unit. If the Goblin Warmonger is destroyed with Goblin Followers in his unit, destroy all of the cards in the unit except Goblin Warmonger, who becomes bowed.
Bayushi Sunetra
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Bayushi Sunetra

0,30 €
Scorpion Clan Samurai. Soul of Bayushi Marumo Sunetra will not attach Items, except Armor and Weapons. Battle: Once per turn, if Sunetra has fewer than two Followers, move this unit to another Province.
Bayushi Paneki
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Bayushi Paneki

0,20 €
Scorpion Clan Defender of the Empire. Samurai Paneki is considered to have +3 Personal Honor for attaching Followers.
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0,10 €
Unaligned Shugenja Soul of Fusaki When Satoshi enters play, you may attach a Spell from your hand to him without Gold cost.
Shiba Yoma
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Shiba Yoma

0,30 €
Phoenix Clan Ritual Master. Samurai Soul of Shiba Kyukyo Before a card casts a Kiho or Spell during a battle containing Yoma, Yoma gains +1F/+1C.
Shiba Kai
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Shiba Kai

0,10 €
Phoenix Clan Samurai. Soul of Shiba Katsuda
Isawa Taeruko
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Isawa Taeruko

0,20 €
Phoenix Clan Shugenja. Master of Earth Elemental Open: Bow Taeruko and target one of your Provinces. Retrieve any one non-Unique Fortification from your Dynasty deck and attach it to the target province, paying all costs. The Gold cost of the Fortification is reduced by Taeruko's Chi.
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