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Eternal Halls of the Shiba
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Eternal Halls of the Shiba

1,50 €
At the beginning of the game, all human Shugenja in your deck become permanently aligned to your Clan. Reaction: Immediately after you put a Kiho in your discard pile after its use, put the Kiho back into your hand, then discard one card from your hand. You canot use this ability twice with the same Kiho or twice on the same turn.
Unexpected Allies
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Unexpected Allies

0,10 €
All players turn over the top card of their Dynasty decks. If the card is a Personality, it is put into play immediately. Honor requirements and gold costs are waived. If the card is not a Personality, it is discarded. (Clarification: No effects are generated by Personalities brought into play.)
The Celestial Pattern
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The Celestial Pattern

0,30 €
Negate the effect of the next Event that resolves.
Test of Stone
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Test of Stone

0,50 €
One of Personalities issues unrefusable challenge to another player's Personality. The winner's controller gains 4 Honor. Dishonor the loser.
Solar Eclipse
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Solar Eclipse

0,30 €
Negate any current effects of Spells and innate abilities. Shugenja cannot cast Spells or use innate abilities until yor next turn.
Peasant Revolt
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Peasant Revolt

1,00 €
Each Personality and Follower with over 2 Force bows. No Persaonalty or Follower with over 2 Force can straighten befpre your next turn.
Kamoko's Constellation
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Kamoko's Constellation

0,30 €
Begining with the player on your left, each player may target one of his or her Persoanalities to get a more Experienced version of that Personality from his or her deck and lay that version over the Personality as though the player were doing so during his or her Dynasty Phase, paying any costs as usual.
In Time of War
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In Time of War

0,10 €
Until the end of the game, during each turn, a player's Family Honor can not rise over its value when the turn began plus 5.
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0,10 €
Each player targets one Region controlled by the player on his or her left. All targeted regions are destroyed.
The Face of Fear
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The Face of Fear

0,10 €
Reaction: Play when one of your cards creates Fear. The Fear affects Personalities as if they were Followers.
The Emperor's Left Hand
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The Emperor's Left Hand

0,10 €
Political Reaction: After the player with the highest Family Honor, or who is tied for highest, announces a Political action: Negate its effects.
Salt the Earth
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Salt the Earth

0,30 €
Limited: Destroy any Region in play.
Oath of Fealty
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Oath of Fealty

0,10 €
Limited: Your Personalities "swear fealty" to you. Each of your Personalities without your Faction's trait permanently gains +1F/+1C and your Faction's traits (except Monk, Naga, Ninja, Ratling or Spirit) and the Unaligned trait.
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0,20 €
Limited: Target one of your Personalities without a "nemesis and another player's Personality. The other Personality is your Personality's nemesis until the other Personality leaves play. While your Personality faces the nemesis in battle or a duel, your Personality gains +2F/+3C.
Mountain Tattoo
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Mountain Tattoo

0,30 €
Limited: Target one of your Personalities with the Tattooed trait but without a Mountain Tattoo. Until the end of the game, this Personality has a Mountain Tattoo and gains the following ability: Battle: Once per turn, this Personality gains 2F until the end of the turn. All ranged attacks targetting this Personality have their strengths doubled.
Magic Mud
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Magic Mud

0,10 €
Battle: Target a Goblin Personality or Follower in this battle. The Goblin gains +2F and the ability Battle: Fear 2. Immediately after the end of this battle, the Goblin is destroyed.
Kakita Technique
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Kakita Technique

2,00 €
Reaction: Play when one of your Personalites is entering a duel if the opposed Personality has a lower Personal Honor. Your Personality has the first option to focus or strike. If you are a Crane Player, the cost of the technique is reduced to zero.
Be Prepared to Dig Two Graves
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Be Prepared to Dig Two Graves

1,00 €
Reaction: After a Personality from your Faction is destroyed while in an battle: Target a Personality opposing him. For the rest of the game, Personalities from your Faction gain +2F/+2C while facing the target in a battle or duel. This does not target the destroyed Personality.
A Stout Heart
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A Stout Heart

0,10 €
Reaction: Play this card when Fear targets one of your units. Negate the Fear.
Jester  - UniqueJester's Honor Requirement is compared against printed Personal Honor.Political Reaction: Bow Jester before a pl
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0,30 €
UniqueJester's Honor Requirement is compared against printed Personal Honor.Political Reaction: Bow Jester before a player loses Honor due to one of his or her own cards or actions to double the loss. All players may use this ability. 
Hideo Spawn  - Nonhuman * Shadowlands * Lose 3 Honor.If this Follower is destroyed, destroy one other card in this unit. 
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Hideo Spawn

0,10 €
Nonhuman * Shadowlands * Lose 3 Honor.If this Follower is destroyed, destroy one other card in this unit. 
Ch'tppu'kich FOIL  - Great Shining Hoard * UniqueBow Ch'tppu'kich to produce 2 Gold.Battle: Bow Ch'tppu'kich to switch the print
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Ch'tppu'kich FOIL

0,50 €
Great Shining Hoard * UniqueBow Ch'tppu'kich to produce 2 Gold.Battle: Bow Ch'tppu'kich to switch the printed Force of a Ratling Follower and an opposing non-Ratling Follower. 
Soshi Kiyo Exp FOIL  - Scorpion Clan Courtier * Kitsune * Creature * Experienced * UniqueOpen: Once per turn, switch Kiyo's Forc
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Soshi Kiyo Exp FOIL

1,50 €
Scorpion Clan Courtier * Kitsune * Creature * Experienced * UniqueOpen: Once per turn, switch Kiyo's Force and Chi. 
Shosuro Miyo  - Scorpion Clan ActorLimited: Once per turn, Miyo gains +1F, +2C or +2 Personal Honor until the start of your next
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Shosuro Miyo

0,10 €
Scorpion Clan ActorLimited: Once per turn, Miyo gains +1F, +2C or +2 Personal Honor until the start of your next turn. 
Bayushi Sharaku  - Scorpion Clan SamuraiReaction: If you are a Scorpion Clan player, discard a card from another player's Provin
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Bayushi Sharaku

1,00 €
Scorpion Clan SamuraiReaction: If you are a Scorpion Clan player, discard a card from another player's Province after discarding Sharaku, or bringing Sharaku into play, from one of your Provinces. 
Bayushi Kaukatsu Exp  - Scorpion Clan Imperial Chancellor * Courtier Experienced * UniquePolitical Reaction: Bow Kaukatsu to neg
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Bayushi Kaukatsu Exp

1,50 €
Scorpion Clan Imperial Chancellor * Courtier Experienced * UniquePolitical Reaction: Bow Kaukatsu to negate an Honor gain. 
Isawa Nodotai Exp  - Phoenix Clan Shugenja * Experienced * UniqueReaction: Once per turn, before you choose a target for a range
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Isawa Nodotai Exp

0,30 €
Phoenix Clan Shugenja * Experienced * UniqueReaction: Once per turn, before you choose a target for a ranged attack from your cards, allow that attack to target a Personality with Followers. 
Yoritomo Komori Exp  - Mantis Clan Shugenja * Naval * Experienced * UniqueBattle: Destroy an opposing token. This ability may be
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Yoritomo Komori Exp

1,00 €
Mantis Clan Shugenja * Naval * Experienced * UniqueBattle: Destroy an opposing token. This ability may be used any number of times, but may not target tokens created during this battle. 
Ikoma Kyuso  - Lion Clan Samurai * SpyPolitical Limited: Once per turn, if you control no Shadowlands cards, waive the Honor Req
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Ikoma Kyuso

0,10 €
Lion Clan Samurai * SpyPolitical Limited: Once per turn, if you control no Shadowlands cards, waive the Honor Requirement of a face-up Lion Clan Personality in one of your Provinces. Lose 1 Honor. 
Akodo Tsuri  - Lion Clan Samurai. Scout Reaction: If you are a Lion Clan player, target a player after Tsuri is revealed in one
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Akodo Tsuri

0,10 €
Lion Clan Samurai. Scout Reaction: If you are a Lion Clan player, target a player after Tsuri is revealed in one of your Provinces. Look at the Dynasty cards in that player's Provinces.  
Kjgkt FOIL  - Dragon Clan Zokujin Prophet * Nonhuman Shugenja * UniqueLimited: Bow Kjgkt to remove the top X cards of your Fate
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Kjgkt FOIL

1,00 €
Dragon Clan Zokujin Prophet * Nonhuman Shugenja * UniqueLimited: Bow Kjgkt to remove the top X cards of your Fate deck, where X is the number of Mines you control. Place one of your choice back on top of your deck and place the rest on the bottom in their original order. Do not shuffle the deck. 
Konetsu  - Crane Clan Courtier * Samurai * UniquePolitical Open: Once per turn, copy a Political action from any other Personali
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4,00 €
Crane Clan Courtier * Samurai * UniquePolitical Open: Once per turn, copy a Political action from any other Personality in play. 
Kakita Nakazo  - Crane Clan Samurai . Unique Political Reaction: Gain 3 Honor after a challenge Nakazo issues is refused. 
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Kakita Nakazo

1,50 €
Crane Clan Samurai . Unique Political Reaction: Gain 3 Honor after a challenge Nakazo issues is refused. 
Yasuki Yukinaga  - Crab Clan MerchantReaction: Once per turn, bow one of your Gold-producing Holdings to produce 6 Gold when you
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Yasuki Yukinaga

0,10 €
Crab Clan MerchantReaction: Once per turn, bow one of your Gold-producing Holdings to produce 6 Gold when you are paying for a Follower or for an action that creates a Follower. 
Kyuden Gotei  - Kyuden Gotei counts as a Port card. Once per battle, as a Battle action, you may bow one of your Naval cards in
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Kyuden Gotei

1,00 €
Kyuden Gotei counts as a Port card. Once per battle, as a Battle action, you may bow one of your Naval cards in the current battle to take two consecutive Battle actions. 
Shiro Tamori
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Shiro Tamori

1,50 €
Limited: Once per turn per Personality, discard a card from your hand to give one of your Personalities +1F/+1C and +1 Personal Honor until the beginning of your next turn. 
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