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10,00 € 20,00 €
Pocket Invaders recrea una atmósfera retro dentro de la estrategia. Un universo donde hay que tener muy en cuenta la estrategia al mover tus naves y el azar al introducir nuevas naves invasoras a tu ejército. ¡Cuidado, nunca estás a salvo! Además la multitud de tamaños del tablero y la variabilidad en las formaciones iniciales hacen de él una batalla...
0,20 €
Battle: Give a target enemy Personality -3F. Dishonor him if he now has 0 Force.
0,50 €
Earth • Resilient • Shugenja Earth Battle: Melee 3 Attack (Destroy a target enemy Follower or Personality without Followers with 3 or lower Force).
5,00 €
Samurai • Siege Invest 1: Create a Fortification Holding with the trait "This Province has +1 strength" and attach it to your target Province.Open: If it is not your turn, target your Fortification. Before this turn ends, if it is still in play, gain 1 Honor.
0,20 €
Ashigaru • Commander After Ashigaru Gunso enters play, if your Sensei is Hikahime, create a 0F/1C/0PH Ashigaru • Conscript Personality.Battle: Bow one or more of your target unbowed Ashigaru Conscripts. Ranged Attack equal to the number this bowed.
0,20 €
Discipline 1Interrupt: Negate all Force bonuses and penalties from the action.Battle: Give your target Samurai Conqueror. Straighten his unit after this battle resolves. (A Conqueror's unit doesn't bow after battle.)
0,50 €
Kata • Kharmic • PoliticalBefore the Action Phase ends, you may take an additional action.Political Open: Put this Kata into play. Discard your other Kata in play.Open, w: Look at the top card of your Fate deck. You may put it at the bottom.
0,10 €
Conqueror • Kensai • Monk • Naval(A Conqueror's unit doesn't bow after battle. Kensai may attach two Weapons, as long as neither is Two-Handed. Once a turn, the Attacker gets the first Battle action, if it's from a Naval Personality's unit.)
0,20 €
Battle, *: Target your Personality. Create and attach to him a 1F Ashigaru Follower for every 3 Gold you paid, rounded down.
0,20 €
Mantis Clan • Samurai • Naval • ScoutBattle: Ranged 3 Attack or give the current battlefield's province -3 strength.
0,20 €
Lion • Samurai • Cavalry • ParagonYoshito has +1F when attacking, or +2F if the Defender is Dragon Clan.
1,00 €
NinjaBattle: Choose your performing Personality in a Ninja unit: Move him to the current battlefield. Straighten his unit if he moved.
1,00 €
Phoenix Clan • Earth • Shugenja • Inquisitor • MagistrateBattle: Target an enemy Personality: Bow him. You may target and straighten a Personality. If the enemy Personality is Kolat, Ninja, or Shadowlands, gain 2 Honor.
0,20 €
Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Yojimbo • Soul of Shiba DanjUroReaction: When an action would target your Shugenja at Sansesuke’s location, bow Sansesuke: The action targets him instead, if legal.
0,50 €
Imperial • PoliticalBattle: If any enemy units are at the current battlefield, choose your performing Magistrate Personality at home: Move him to the current battlefield. If he moved, straighten his unit. If any dishonorable Personalities are now opposing him, you may take an additional Battle action.
1,50 €
PoliticalReaction: Before the resolution of another player’s action: Reduce each Honor loss from its effects by 3 (minimum 0). You may target and rehonor a dishonorable Personality. Battle: Bow your performing Shugenja and target an enemy card: Bow it. Gain 2 Honor.
0,30 €
TerrainThis battlefield’s province has a maximum strength equal to its base strength. Battle: Destroy all other Terrains at the current battlefield. Put this card into play there.
0,70 €
Battle: Choose your performing Kensai: Straighten him and all his Weapons. Battle abilities on his Weapons may be used a second time this turn. You may take an additional Battle action.
1,00 €
PearlBattle/Open: Bow this card: Straighten this Personality